Invoice Uploader
A secure and stable solution for easily uploading invoices to Fakturawebben. Whether you are managing multiple companies or clients, receive invoices as emails or from your scanner.
Fakturawebben can receive EDI invoices, electronic invoices, in various formats such as the EU standard PEPPOL, which are sent from the supplier's invoicing system directly into Fakturawebben.
E-mail invoice
Fakturawebben lets you receive invoices as email. The invoice is sent by email as a pdf attachment that is sent to a new email address that you receive from us.
Drag'n drop
Easily upload invoices directly into your web browser by dragging files to the browser window. The invoices are interpreted directly and are completed in an instant.
Scan invoices with your mobile
Use your mobile phone with your favorite document scanning app and send the invoices straight into Fakturawebben.